Sunday, January 31, 2010

Virtual Manipulatives

I really enjoyed working on the virtual manipulatives' website. I decided to play around with some of the activities while my students discovered the site for the first time. I have used the NLVM site before but not with my current class. I enjoyed the tangram activity. This activity involves the manipulation of various geometric shapes in an effort to create a larger shape. I enjoyed creating the shape that looks like a running man. My students gravitated towards the peg activity and the tangram activity. This site is impressive because it offers such a variety of activities. I would imagine that there is an activity to be enjoyed by every type of student/learner. I also like the way that these activities get you to think and problem solve without any stress. I currently teach an inclusion class with certain students who struggle with most concepts. I saw absolutely no frustration from these students as they completed various virtual manipulatives. They were able to "think" and be successful without frustration and/or disappointment. I enjoyed the site and plan to use it on a regular basis in my classroom.

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