Monday, May 3, 2010

Cuisenaire Rods lesson #2

As my second lesson with Cuisenaire Rods, I decided to do an activity that was some sort of challenge or game. I chose Train Riddles from the Cuisenaire Rod section under grades 3-5. I chose this lesson because it looks like a lot of fun and I know that many of my students will step up the the opportunity to make riddles that are unique and challenging to figure out. In this lesson students work in pairs to create a train of Cuisenaire Rods with a certain number of rods. Then the students create clues to help others figure out the different rods that make up their train. Eventually, each pair of students trade clues with another pair and try to figure out the correct train according to the clues provided. I like this activity because it is very hands on and it also provides students with an opportunity to practice descriptive language as well as various mathematical concepts.

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