Monday, February 22, 2010

Exploring the NLVM website: Week 3

As I continue to explore the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, I continue to be amazed by the endless resources that it provides. In education today, and especially in my district, there is a huge push to integrate technology into every lesson plan. Technology Infusion is now required as a separate section on our daily lesson plans. Currently, my math class is starting a unit on measurement. Included in this unit is various concepts of time, including elapse time. This has always been a struggle for my 5th grade students. Recently, I discovered the virtual manipulative entitled Time: What Time Will It Be? This particular manipulative is located in grade levels 3-5 under the Measurement category. It is great because it allows you to manipulate clocks to answer questions regarding elapse time. It also provides problems presented with both digital and analog clocks. I believe that this manipulative will provide me with a great activity for my lessons on elapse time while allowing the integration of technology. It also allows students of different ability levels to work at their own speed. When using a worksheet with a set number of problems, you run the risk of your higher level students finishing early with nothing to do while your lower level students are left feeling disappointed because they were unable to finish the assignment. This virtual manipulative automatically continues to provide new problems giving students an appropriate work load for their level.

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