Monday, February 22, 2010

Pattern Blocks: Lesson 2

For my second lesson with Pattern Blocks, I chose to adapt a lesson from Grade Levels 3-6: All Possible Perimeters. I chose this lesson because perimeter is a concept that is in our 5th grade curriculum and I believe it is a fun, interactive lesson. During this lesson, students will create various shapes using the Pattern Blocks. Students will discover that for measurement purposes, one side of a triangle will be equal to one unit of measurement. As I plan to use this with my students during our perimeter unit, I will have them assign linear measurement to their shapes such at feet, inches, yards, etc. The students will evaluate shapes that represent large perimeters and shapes that represent small perimeters and the relationships between the two. As a final activity, after the students have explored various perimeters with the Pattern Blocks, I will challenge the students to create a shape with the largest possible perimeter and the smallest possible perimeter, allowing them to use only one shape and 5 pieces. The amount of shapes and pieces used will vary based on the differentiation of each group of students.

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