Monday, March 15, 2010

Color Tiles Lesson Plan

For my lesson with Color Tiles, I chose to adapt a lesson on probability from the disk. The following lesson is adapted from a grade 5-6 lesson entitled What’s Your Prediction?
In this lesson, the teacher holds a bag of 10 pattern blocks of 5 Blue and 5 Red blocks. The students make predictions and as a class, we pull out one block at a time and record our results. The results are then discussed as a class. Once the concept is clear to the students, the lesson is taken one step further. In teacher designed groups, students will make predictions for situations when there is more than one color in the bag than another color. Students will discuss whether they believe the outcomes will be different and why. Then each group will test their theory by repeating the group activity within their groups and recording their outcomes.
All theories and findings will be discussed as a class. Each group will come to the front of the room and explain their findings. This lesson will serve as a segue into probability.

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