Monday, March 29, 2010

NLVM - Week 7

This week I explored the mastermind activity on the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. I found this activity very interesting and thought invoking. You have to figure out a pattern by first using the guess and check method and then by using the clues that are provided to you. I used this activity as a challenge for my students. While working on a measurement unit, my support teacher and I split up the class into two groups: one group who grasped the concept of measurement and one group who needed extra practice with measurement. While she took the group that needed extra help, I used this virtual manipulative with the students who did not need the extra practice. The challenge was to be the student who used the least amount of guesses/clues to solve each pattern. We did this with the two color - six color patterns. It worked well and they all were determined to win one of the challenges.

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